Ryan Pope

Homelab Update - Automate Infrastructure

Overview After tearing down and rebuilding my lab manually many times I finally decided to create a pipeline to automate the provisioning of my Vms. For this I chose to use Packer, Terraform and An...

Homelab Update - K3S

Overview I will be using the K3S Single-server Setup with an Embedded DB. You can find it on the k3s site here. It is a very simple setup. I will have one Server node and only two Agent nodes. I...

Django Workout App

The Problem I have been wanting to experiment with Django for a while but never found the time or a good use case to make the time but I found a good use that combines tow of my hobbies: the gym an...

First Homelab Build

Introduction I finally decided that I should pull the trigger and build a homelab. I decided to buy a PC to use as my server for energy cost and space saving reasons. I got my hands on a refurbishe...

Graylog Docker container

Introduction I want to get some experience ingesting and sorting through data in Graylog. A Docker container is a perfect way to quickly and easily set this up. In the future I want to set up a mor...

AWS Lab setup

Introduction When I first started my systems engineer role, I was introduced to the cloud for the first time and a few CI/CD tools that were being used. To better understand how these tools worked ...

Keylogger in Python

Introduction One of my first projects was a simple Python Keylogger. There is definitely more I could add and improve on but here is the code for now. Requirements pywin32 pyhook python-xlib lin...